This is PixelDreams

PixelDreams SMP is a whitelisted community server launched on 2022/02/12.

The goal of the server is to connect members throughout the entire world that are passionate and enjoy playing the game together, aswell as pushing the game to the limits of what is possible in Vanilla Minecraft.

Since the server is meant to never reset and keep the same world for as long as possible, we are focusing on big and long term projects that take multiple months or even years to complete.

By building some serious technical farms like the concrete factory in order to gather alot of resources, we are able to accomplish projects that wouldn't be possible for the casual Minecraft player. If you want to know more abot our farms and projects check out the projects page.

How it all started

Having played on multiple servers before, which then either reset or ended up dead or offline over the years, the 2 co-founders and friends Raymont99 & Hawk figured it would be better to have full control and to host their own server. In February 2022, the server saw first light starting up with ~ 20 players into a fresh world.

Farms & Projects

Wanna check out more of our projects ? Check this page for an overview of all the farms and crazy builds we have accomplished so far

Server specs

For all the diehard nerds out there who want to learn more about the technical side of hosting a server, click here.